
May 9, 2013

Color blocking

With spring just around the corner, it’s time to dump the winter doldrums and inject some color into your wardrobe and your decor! This year, why not spice things up with the hottest trend to hit the runway and showroom floor: color blocking? Color blocking is truly an art. Done wrong, it can be disastrous, but when perfectly paired, the look is effortlessly chic. Here are three simple tips to pull off this trend in an outfit or a room like a pro:

1) Choose your palette – The first and most important step in successfully color blocking is choosing your colors. It’s a common misnomer that color blocking can be pulled off by pairing any selection of colors. That’s just not so. Nick at does a great job of laying out some basic color theory that will help color blocking beginners.
2) Go Bright - Bright colors tend to make the biggest statement. Try a bold blue paired with a playful lime. Color shy? No worries. You can also color block with neutrals. Base your palette in black and white, then add in a block of brightness.
3) Accessorize – Once you’ve got your colors down, use accessories to accent your theme. In fashion, belts, jewelry and bags are tools of the trade. In your home, use pillows, paint and art to accessorize.
Some great examples of color blocking can be seen in LINK Outdoor’s newest line of color blocking furnishings. Known for its colorful, bold and playful designs, color blocking is a natural evolution for the whimsical outdoor textile and furniture brand. Keep scrolling for some fun examples of color blocking in fashion and furnishings!




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